Monday, February 13, 2012


Epic mealtime

Epic Mealtime is a video podcast cooking show. I know what your thinking this kid likes boring cooking shows? No, this is no ordinary cooking show. A group of guy friends get together and make the most intense man-meals, filled with all the cliché food types men like. Bacon, piles of meats, cheese, burgers, cheese, meat, bacon... you get the point. and that pretty much their cooking style. One podcast I watched they made a meat pie. They must have had five individual layers of bacon weaved together like a basket throughout the other layers of the pie. I liked this podcast because it wasn't just another boring cooking show like on the foodnetwork channel. The cast goes through the steps fast and are excited about what they are cooking thus keeping my interest, or maybe it was the homemade Jack Daniels maple syrup.

The Onion

The Onion is a mock news organization that focuses on comedy. They imitate real news environments and shows so well that the first time I saw it I didn't know it was fake. The whole time the reporters keep a straight face and talk in a completely news-professional tone all while reading hilarious news stories. One of the podcasts I watched was making fun of Tom Brady after the patriots lost the Superbowl, and the other was a mock news piece about a teen who went brain dead. The teen was reported to only be able to "roll her eyes and text." You won't learn any real facts while watching The Onion but it is sure to make you laugh. Also this could make for a good joke if you find the right story. In a print version of one of their stories I read a while back, they claimed that dove soap was made with real doves!

How Stuff Works: Stuff You Should Know

These audio podcasts are from two guys who talk about various interesting topics. Some topics include 'How Mexican Wrestling Works' and 'What's the Deal with the Bermuda Triangle.' I found that while I thought these were going to be interesting to listen to, the two guys just conversed in monotone dialogue that I found boring. They did not have actual facts about the Bermuda Triangle but instead I found them saying things like "I believe this happened..." or "didn't that plane disappear..." It was hard to keep my concentration focused on the podcast. Often their dialogue was off topic, discussing things unrelated to the topic of the podcast. This was my least favorite, not because of the topics at hand, just the way in which they were executed.

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