Monday, February 27, 2012

Slideshows and Galleries

This is a photo gallery I found on flickr. It is a small gallery about people sleeping in libraries. I found it humorous because in most of the pictures it looks like they fell asleep by accident in the middle of a hardcore study session. I can relate to some of these pictures, staying up late, struggling to stay awake the night before a big exam of project.

B&B Scuba is a Scuba diving group in Maui. This slide show is a good way for customers to decide if they wish to take the trip to Maui and or give their business to this scuba company. The potential diver can watch the slide show and see what kinds of areas they will be diving and either get excited about the trip or decide that it might no t be for them. It is a good way to attract customers because the pictures show beautiful coral reefs and the divers exploring sunken ship.

I found a slideshow with audio about how one man made an Optimus Prime costume for his kid. Pictures show the steps he took while making the costume. He explains as the pictures keep progressing what materials he used, where he got them, and how he went about putting it together. His narration contributes a lot to the slideshow.

A lot of slideshows I found had a song or music playing as the pictures progressed and although it added a nice mood to the pictures it did not add much else. With this in mind I wanted to critique a slideshow that had narration of what was going on in the pictures. This was the most effective form of audio I found and was the most informative of all the galleries and slideshows I viewed.

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